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'60 Leaders' is an initiative that brings together diverse views from global thought leaders on a series of topics – from innovation and artificial intelligence to social media and democracy. It is created and distributed on principles of open collaboration and knowledge sharing. Created by many, offered to all.


'60 Leaders on Artificial Intelligence' brings together unique insights on the topic of Artificial Intelligence - from the latest technical advances to ethical concerns and risks for humanity. The book is organized into 17 chapters - each addressing one question through multiple answers reflecting a variety of backgrounds and standpoints. Learn how AI is changing how businesses operate, how products are built, and how companies should adapt to the new reality. Understand the risks of AI and what should be done to protect individuals and humanity. View the leaders. 

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'60 Leaders on Innovation' is the book that brings together unique insights and ‘practical wisdom’ on innovation. The book is organized into 22 chapters, each presenting one question and multiple answers from 60 global leaders. Learn how innovative companies operate and how to adopt effective innovation strategies. Understand how innovation and experimentation methods blend with agile product development. Get insights from the experts on the role of the C-Suite for innovation. Discover ways that Innovation can help humanity solve big problems like climate change.

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What is the impact of AI on society and everyday life?

Nazar Zaki


The world of AI is rapidly expanding, with new innovations and breakthroughs happening every day. AI is changing the way we live our lives in many ways and has the potential to be a game-changer for many industries. Some of the benefits of AI are that it can take on repetitive tasks, it can handle tasks that are complex and require human intelligence, and it can help humans make better decisions. AI is already being used in many industries such as healthcare, education, finance, law enforcement, and transportation.

The next generation of AI is expected to do more than just provide insights and suggestions. It will be able to make decisions for us in a way that is more accurate than ever before. This might sound scary but it could also have some very positive consequences too - like when AI helps doctors diagnose patients who have rare diseases or when an AI detects a person in trouble and alerts them or the authorities in time to prevent a crime from happening.

AI has the potential to do a lot of good for society, but there are also many risks associated with it. It's often seen as an object of fear, with people worried about what AI might do to the human race. Some people worry about what will happen if AI becomes too powerful and can make decisions on its own without human interference. Other people worry about how AI can be used as a weapon, such as in warfare.

Other challenges of AI include the lack of ethics. We need to make sure that AI is not being used for evil purposes. AI is also not perfect and it has its flaws. For example, there are many cases where AI has been found biased towards certain races, genders, and other social identities. There is also the issue of privacy: We need to ensure that AI does not invade our privacy or violate our rights as humans.
The idea of AI taking over the world is not new, but the idea that humans will be able to control it is. However, it is not just about being able to control it; it is also about being able to understand how it works and what its limitations are. We need to trust AI if we want it to trust us back. First and foremost, we need to make sure that we are, not only aware of the risks that AI poses but also able to address these risks – and here are some ways in which we can do so:

1. We can work on having a clear understanding of what AI is and what it is capable of so that we know how it will affect us in the future.

2. We can work on creating laws and regulations around AI so that there is some accountability for their actions.

3. We can also limit who has access to certain types of information so as not to put anyone at risk.

Finally, AI will continue to make our lives better. It is becoming more and more integrated into our lives with every passing day. It is hard to predict what the future will hold for AI, but it is safe to say that it will continue to grow and evolve. AI has the potential to help us solve many of the world’s most pressing problems, including controlling pandemics, poverty, climate change, and hunger.

The future of AI is bright and we should not worry about it too much. AI will help us get better at everything we do and make our lives easier in many ways. The only thing that we should worry about is how to prepare for this change and how to handle it when it happens. There is no doubt that AI will pose some ethical dilemmas in the future and we need to look at how to manage these risks as early as possible. The bottom line is that we need to be aware of these potential risks and work to mitigate them.

"We need to ensure that AI does not invade our privacy or violate our rights as humans."

Nazar Zaki is a Professor of Computer Science and founder and Director of the Big Data Analytics Center with a mission to ingrain a sustained impact through groundbreaking Data analytics research and services. Nazar’s research focuses on data mining, machine learning, graph mining, and bioinformatics.


Nazar Zaki

"We must be careful not to create a future where we are all working for robots or AI beings."

Professor and Director




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