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Charlie Widdows is the co-founder of Solverboard and the founder of two innovation networks – groups of enterprise innovators who meet weekly to discuss the impact innovation has on the world.

Co Founder

Charlie Widdows

Charlie Widdows


What are the most frequent innovation blockers?

In my opinion, organisational culture is one of the biggest blockers to innovation and change. For real change to happen an entire organisation needs to be on board and be willing to embrace new ways of working. Organisations that are wary of change will not only be slow to adapt, but they will also struggle to attract and hold onto people who are drawn to new ideas. By contrast, a healthy culture of change will be more dynamic and better able to capitalise on new opportunities.
According to IBM, only 20% of organisations are successful in managing change effectively . It is part of a leader’s role to create this healthy culture, and also to encourage people to support change, trans-formation, and innovation. So how can the leader create this culture, and what is their role within it?
- Using the right language and defining change. Words like change, transformation, and innovation are not interchangeable. Gaining clarity over the meaning of these words in your organisation is a fundamental step for leaders to avoid confusion when communicating with staff. For example, when describing your change management projects or asking staff to submit innovative ideas [ ... ]


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